High-rise, communal areas, doors, balconies and sprinklers

If you live in one of our four high-rise blocks, please familiarise yourself with the Stay Safe Policy, what to do in the event of a fire and some preventative safety measures leaflet here 

Communal areas
These areas must be kept clear at all times. They are inspected regularly so if you do leave anything in a communal area it will be marked with a sticker giving you a set time to remove the item or it may be disposed for you. More on communal area safety here. 

Fire doors information leaflet here 

Flat entrance doors checks leaflet here They should be checked regularly to ensure they comply with fire regulations and are in good working order.

If you have a balcony at your home, please read this safety leaflet

Work is due to start in autumn 2024 to install sprinkler systems to the four high rise blocks – further information to follow over the coming months. 

Please note, access will be required to properties to carry out the installation.