Open and green spaces

The regeneration of the Brunswick neighbourhood has seen improvements to many green space areas including:
- new play facilities across the neighbourhhood
- improvements to the local park
- new community orchard
- 25 new allotment plots
Brunswick is being transformed into a green, landscaped and pedestrian/cycle friendly neighbourhood.
A new green boulevard will diagonally connect the Apollo Theatre to Gartside Gardens creating an attractive tree-lined walkway through neighbourhood. This will open up the estate and improve how residents get around by providing a new pedestrian friendly route featuring extensive areas of grass and street tree planting.
Substantial investment has been made to enhance the landscaping within Gartside Gardens with more trees and shrubs being planted. In addition to this, recreational areas will be improved with new street furniture, high quality play areas and all weather sports pitches.
In addition a new orchard and 25 city-sized allotments are being created just off the new boulevard to provide a new facility for local residents.