TSM – Tenant Satisfaction Measures

In April 2023, the Regulator of Social Housing introduced changed the way we carry out satisfaction surveys with social housing tenants. The S4B Satisfaction Survey now follows set questions provided by the regulator and Manchester City Council.

It is important to note that this new survey takes a much broader view of all services and includes repairs, as well as a review of customer opinion of the neighbourhood services provided by S4B in Brunswick. Direct comparison with previous years will not be possible on many areas due to the changed format and audience.

The survey was undertaken by Onward Homes’ S4B Housing Management Team with technical support being provided by Onward Homes’ Analytics and Insight Team between October and December 2023.

Here are the results of four key areas of the survey for S4B here:

S4B Management Service
Overall Satisfaction in 2023 was 86.27% against a target of 83% which is 3.27% above target. In 2022 the figure was 89.43% and in 2020 it was 86.3%. This is a contractual measure for S4B.

Tenant Involvement Opportunities
Tenant involvement in S4B is a contractual measurement. Satisfaction for opportunities available for resident involvement in Brunswick was 91.57% against a KPI target of 70% which is 21.57% above target. In 2022 this was 95.15% and in 2020 this was 91.3%. 

Neighbourhood Management
Tenants were asked how S4B managed the neighbourhood and if S4B makes a positive contribution to the area. The survey showed 74.58% of customers were very or fairly satisfied S4B’s neighbourhood management service.

Communal Area Management
Tenant satisfaction showed that 79.33% of residents felt communal areas are clean and well maintained, demonstrating a very high standard of communal area management and tenant perception of this.

Also view the results in this summary document here. You can view the full report here

S4B and other PFI areas form part of the overall results for Manchester City Council (MCC) Here are the results.

For more information send a WhatsApp message to 07500 065 270, email info@s4bmanchester.co.uk give us a call 0300 555 0128 or call into the S4B housing office.