Here at S4B, we aim to provide the best possible service at all times, so we always welcome your feedback.

We want to know when we have done something well, so that we can continue to provide the best service we can to our customers.

If we don’t get things right we want to know about it so we can put things right. We treat any complaints very seriously. Read our complaints procedure here.

To make a comment, compliment or complaint, please get in touch.

Housing Ombudsman self-assessment
As members of the Housing Ombudsman complaints scheme, we completed a self-assessment against their new complaints handling code which is a requirement of our membership with them.

Any identified actions required to ensure we are compliant with their code, were completed by 31 March 2021.

For more details on visit Complaint Handling Code – Housing Ombudsman (

WOW! Awards
Have you received exceptional customer service from us? Has a member of our team gone above and beyond, and you believe this should be recognised?

The WOW! Awards is an independent employee recognition programme, which aims to shine a light on how we’re making #TheOnwardDifference, in providing an excellent customer service.

To nominate, please click here, and complete a short nomination form. Your feedback is really important to us, as it helps us shape the services we provide to you.

The independent judging panel will then review all nominations and share these with our senior leadership team – who then award the individual with a certificate, in recognition of their commitment to providing an excellent customer service.

For more information, please get in touch. Email or give us a call on 0300 555 0128.