You may have noticed a number of roads have new names or road names have changed in Brunswick. This is because some homes have been ‘reversed’ as part of the regeneration programme.

Reversals means homes which formally faced into alleyways or walks, now have a front drive and now face onto a road, therefore the address needs to be changed. Here’s a list of the road names which have changed.

Manchester City Coucil (MCC) has informed all major organisations such as the Post Office, Fire Service, Police, Ambulance Service, Manchester Health Authority, National Grid, Electricity Northwest, Council Tax and Business Rates, Environment on Call and A-Z mapping about the changes. 

My road name has changed – what do I need to do?
Just like moving home, if your road name has changed, you need to tell your service providers, e.g. your bank/building society, employer, job centre, electricity/gas companies, doctor, dentist, opticians, TV licence, broadband, store loyalty cards, club memberships, vets and DVLA etc all need to be updated. 

To help you, here’s a change of address letter template, or please call into the S4B housing office with your list of providers and a member of the team will be more than happy to help. 

For more information please get in touch T: 0300 555 0128. E: or call into the S4B housing office, 15 Brunswick Street, Manchester. M13 9SU.