External Painting Consultation
S4B is due to start external painting to the following maisonette blocks:
- Lockton Close
- Merrow Walk
- Litcham Walk
- Mancroft Walk
There are two colour options to choose from and we would like to know what you think.
From the images below, please choose your preferred colour option and send your choice via email to info@s4bmanchester.co.uk stating option one or two and not forgetting to include your address. You can also take a look at the colour options displayed in the S4B housing office where you can also make your choice.
Option one
The colours for option one are detailed in this palette here and here
Option two
The colours for option two are detailed in this palette here and here.
Works will commence with fence painting, which is due to start in November 2022. Please note shed painting is not included in the lifecycle works programme.
Please send you preferred colour choice for the fencing to us by 28th October 2022.
Block painting will then be completed next year in 2023.