As you may be aware, bed bugs have featured in the news recently following an increase in numbers and it appears there have been increased reporting of infestations in some UK cities. However, we do not want to cause any alarm as we have not yet received any reports here in Brunswick, but we do need to be aware and take action if we suspect a problem.  

What are bed bugs? 
They are small, oval-shaped insects that only reach about 5mm in length, have six legs and can be dark yellow, red or brown. They often live on furniture or bedding but the term bed bug can be misleading as they can also be found on clothing, furniture, bed frames, headboards, books, sofas, or behind loose wallpaper, as well as mattresses. Their bites can be itchy, but do not usually cause other health problems. 

What can I do if I think I have bed bugs in my home? 
Manchester Council’s Pest Control Service is available free to all Manchester residents, who will visit your home to identify if there is an infestation. 

To book a visit, please telephone 0161 234 4928. Lines are open 9:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays). If you do have an infestation, preparation advice will be given and a treatment plan can be booked in. You will be advised on the next steps and the preparation steps you need to follow. Please note the online booking facility is not available for bed bugs surveys or treatment. 

What does it cost?
The initial survey is free, however if is is identified you have bed bugs in your home, the treatment fee is £127.00, payable before the course can begin.  

Self-treatment of a bed bug infestation with amateur pesticides is highly unlikely to be successful and could make the problem worse, so please get in touch at the first signs of a problem. 

Here is some useful advice from the NHS and an information leaflet on preparation for treatment of your home here

If you have any questions regarding bed bugs treatment, please email