The government has announced a move to ‘Plan B’ as set out in the Autumn and Winter Plan and the message is they are urging everyone to get vaccinated or have their booster as soon as possible.

. The new plan includes:

  • Mandatory facemasks in most indoor settings;
  • Introducing NHS pass certification for large events;
  • Those who can work from home should do so where practical.

Find out more at: COVID-19 Government restrictions | Manchester City Council

All over 18s who have had their second Covid vaccination more than 3 months ago (91 days), are now able to have their Covid booster. 

The links below will give you the full list of vaccination sites across the city  – anyone over the age of 18 can go and get their Booster jab.

If people haven’t yet had their 1st or 2nd dose we need to strongly encourage them to have them.

And there will be vaccination centres remaining open throughout Christmas including Christmas day, to get as many people vaccinated as quickly as possible – details publsihed by the MEN here

Testing is changing. If you’ve been told that you’ve been in close contact with someone who’s tested positive for Covid-19, here’s what you should do. For more information visit

The key information is::

  • Vaccines save lives – and it is never too late to come forward and have one and start getting the protection that they can give. 
  • In the meantime, if you have been vaccinated, it’s normal for that immunity to reduce over time. This means that the protection you get from your first two doses doesn’t last forever. 
  • And, at the moment, we know that two doses of the vaccine are not enough protection against the Omicron variant. But, the good news is that the boosters are very effective in bringing that protection back, to help prevent severe illness and death 
  • That’s why vaccines are still our best defence against Covid and its variants 

So please, if you have not yet had your vaccination or booster, please act now to save lives and ease the strain on our NHS at such as critical time.