Resident update on managing COVid19 in Brunswick
As concerns about the spread of coronavirus continue, we want to highlight the current advice being given which affects our services and let you know what we are doing as an organisation. 

We are here with you through this challenging time.

Please email non-urgent enquiries to

Our contact centre remains open so please call us on 0300 555 0128 if you need our help.

The S4B reception is closed as part of measures to limit the spread of the COVid19 virus.

How will S4B help keep me safe?
We want to assure you that the safety of our customers, colleagues and contractors is our priority.

We are following government guidelines and are able to complete emergency repairs and vital safety checks, such as servicing gas appliances. We can do this in a way that is safe for you and your household and for our operatives.

If you are self-isolating, please inform us immediately and we will make appropriate arrangements. Where we can, we will delay, but in an emergency, we will be able to make your home safe.

How can I help?
We ask residents to ensure the are following social distancing by keep two metres apart.  Avoid congregation in groups and have no visitors in your home.  Stay home, protect our community and save lives.

I am ill / self-isolating. What should I do?
If you have contracted coronavirus or are self-isolating, please let us know when we speak to you. To protect our colleagues and other customers, unless it is an emergency, we will not visit you in your home during a period of self-isolation. In an emergency, we’ll ask for your co-operation in taking sensible precautions.

Please follow the latest Government advice if you or a member of your household displays any potential symptoms of coronavirus.

How can I be sure that a member of staff or a contractor is not infected with coronavirus if they visit my home?
We are ensuring that our colleagues and contractors have all the latest information and guidance. They are following this guidance in the same way that everyone has been asked to and will take action to protect you as customers and themselves.

I am over 70 / have a pre-existing health condition. How does this affect me?
If you are 70 or over or with a serious existing health condition, the Government is recommending that you stay at home and avoid any social interaction for the time being.

Our colleagues will be contacting you to identify what help you may have available and how we might be able to help you. If you have not heard from us and need help, please call us.

Why have I received a text/call or voicemail from S4B?
Different people like to be contacted in different ways – some by text, some over social media, others in print – so we’re trying to use as many of these options as we can to keep you informed.

That’s why we’ve rolled out calls/voice messages and text updates,. These will come direct to your phone, if you’ve given us your number to use. However, if you’re ever concerned about whether the message is legitimate feel free to give us a call on 0300 555 0128 to check.

What repairs can you carry out?
We are currently providing an emergency repairs service only. This is a short-term measure and we are working tirelessly with contractors to implement a viable long-term approach to our repairs service. To report an emergency repair, please contact us on 0300 555 0128.

What if I have an emergency repair and I or someone living in my household is self-isolating with Coronavirus symptoms?
We will aim to carry out the emergency repair if possible. However, please follow a few simple steps to help keep everyone safe:

– Remain at least two metres away from any worker, or ideally in another room, with the door closed.
– Windows and doors should be opened to ventilate the area. Wipe down door handles and surfaces before the operative comes into your home.
– The operative will wear protective gloves and use certified hand sanitizer before and after the visit. They will remove any materials used from your home.
– If you are unable to follow social distancing instruction, our operative will be required to remove themselves from the property.

What other kinds of services will S4B still be running?
We will continue to run the services we can deliver by telephone or online.

We have developed safe systems of work in line with latest government guidance and will ensure that safety of residents and staff is a forefront of what we do.

All services will be subject to staff availability so please bear with us during this challenging time.

Will communal areas still be cleaned as normal?
We will continue to clean communal areas. You will of seen some changes in caretaking services due to delays in personal protective equipment but we are now working to ensure all communal areas are cleaned. We may not be able to resource the level of service we currently provide and will prioritise to make sure that buildings which house more vulnerable customers continue to be cleaned.

Can I still report antisocial behaviour?
Our neighbourhoods team will do what they can to deal with all reports of antisocial behaviour over the phone and will be able to support you and help you find further help.

You can also report crime and antisocial behaviour anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.  If you’re really concerned or scared, please call the non-emergency police number 101. Or if you feel it’s an emergency, always call 999.

If you have concerns about Noise nuisance. The noise app is here to help.

It’s easy to use and you can report the issue from the comfort of your own home in total confidence. Download the app to your iPhone or Android handset.

Then simply create your account, and select ONWARD.

To report noise nuisance tap the icon, make a 30-second recording of the noise, complete the form and press submit.  Your report will be sent directly to us at S4B and we will be in touch to advise how we are to proceed.

S4B also now have a new mobile response security provider to manage and respond to ASB.

Will grounds maintenance works continue?
We continue with grass cutting communal are so that residents can enjoy outside space. However please ensure social distancing of at least 2 m and avoid congregation of any group.  We will be able to respond to incidents of fly tipping and rubbish clearance, Please do not dump any rubbish.

How will this affect the customer service?
We have needed to close the S4B reception.  So we anticipate a high volume of calls during this period which, coupled with potential sickness amongst staff. We  ask residents to email non urgent inquiries to

You can also use the S4B website make a rent payment, report a repair, check your account balance via My rent account.  Visit

Will building work continue?
S4B did pause new construction sites for four weeks and any planned maintenance work in customers’ homes.  This was due to suppliers closing so materials were not available.  From Mon 27 April some construction will re-start.  Work is to be isolated with social distancing & using only safe working arrangements with PPE.

The sites are monitored to ensure they are safe, secure and present no issues.  Please report any concerns to S4B.

What financial support is available?
We understand that people’s financial circumstances may have changed due to the pandemic. If you have been affected and are having difficulty paying your rent, please contact us so we can discuss how we can help

We have a dedicated team on hand to provide guidance and support. The team are accessible via our Contact Centre on 0300 555 0128

Alternatively, you can contact the Citizens Advice Bureau and Welfare Rights Service, or access the latest Government advice about financial support at

You may also find some useful information through the following links:

Is there any support available to help me with shopping, supplies or collecting medication?
If you have no local support, S4B aim to help as much as we can. However, it may be that families and friends can support from a distance with jobs such as online shopping.

S4B have developed a range of support locally which includes delivering food parcels, enabling hot meals through partnership with other organisations.

We can also link you to your local volunteer network who may be providing support in your neighbourhood.

If you are isolated or worried about someone who is please advise S4B so we can help.

Where can I access additional information and support?
There is lots of information available from key expert sources such as the NHS, Public Health England and the government websites.
Anxiety UK has also shared some key phone numbers if you are unable to get online:

o Age UK – 0800 678 1602
o Anxiety UK – 03444 775 774
o Asthma UK – 0300 222 5800
o British Heart Foundation – 0300 330 3311
o CALM – 0800 585858
o Diabetes UK – 0345 123 2399
o Mind Charity – 0300 123 3393
o Scope – 0808 800 3333
o Silverline – 0800 470 8090
o The Stroke Association – 0303 3033 100
o Lung UK – 03000 030 555
o Breast Cancer Now – 0808 800 6000
o MS Society – 0808 800 8000
o Alzheimer’s Society – 0300 222 1122
o Rethink – 0300 5000 927
o Versus Arthritis – 0800 5200 520

As always, if you’re struggling or have any queries, you can contact on the number below.
We hope that you and your loved ones remain safe and well during this difficult time.

Contact S4B
T: 0300 555 0128

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