Resident Assistance Fund

Affected by the recent cost of living increases? S4B has a Resident Assistance fund available for any customers in financial difficulty.

With the fund you can apply for help with gas and electricity top-ups and help with food in an emergency.

S4B financial inclusion specialist, Yvette Brown, is here to help, so please get in touch and ask to make an appointment. T: 0300 555 0128, E: or call into the S4B housing office.

There are some terms and conditions (t’s and c’s), but anyone can apply and a decision on each application will be assessed on its own individual merit.

To qualify you must:

  • be an S4B resident
  • with the help of the S4B financial inclusion specialist, Yvette, have exhausted all other avenues of help before making an application to the fund
  • provide evidence of income and expenditure and complete a budget check with Yvette

We can help with buying many essential items such as (but not limited to):

  • top-up for gas and electricity
  • help to buy food
  • essential household items

If you need help with food, we would follow our usual procedure of issuing Foodbank vouchers.

For more information please get in touch: T: 0300 555 0128, call into the S4B housing office or take a look at our webpage