Safeguarding children and adults

Please tell us if you are anyone you know is being abused or neglected, anytime, but especially at this difficult time.
Advice and information:
- Advice about domestic abuse
- Information about Deprivation of Liberty (DOLS) in a domestic setting or care home or hospital
- Find out about the Mental Capacity Act
Other organisations who can help
- NSPCC – call 0808 800 5000 (free 24 hour service) if you have concerns or are worried about a child
- Childline – call 0800 1111 (free 24 hour service) if you are under 19 and are experiencing feelings of stress, anxiety or if you are lonely or down and need someone to talk to
- Search our directory of services, Help and Support Manchester, for organisations who can help.
Information about the work we do, including work with other agencies
The Manchester Safeguarding Partnership is a statutory body that has a role to co-ordinate and ensure effective safeguarding procedures with a number of organisations across the city of Manchester, including the council, the police and health services.
They also promote the welfare of adults, children, young people and their families.
Or please get in touch with us and we can help direct you to the right place.
T: 0300 555 0128 – this will be in strictest of confidence and we are here to help you any time. Please do not suffer in silence.