In this edition you will once again find lots of information about all things Brunswick. On the front page we announce the winners of the 2024 customer photography competition, introduced as part of the Celebrating Brunswick campaign which ran throughout the year to mark the 10th anniversary of the regeneration programme.
The 2025 calendar produced containing all of the winning entries is still available from the S4B housing office, just pop in and ask at reception.
The ever popular community fund High-5 returns on 1st April inviting any individuals or community groups to apply for funding to support an event or activity for the benefit of the Brunswick Community. Visit the webpost for an application form and details of the t’s and c’s.
New for 2025 and replacing the gardening competition is the Sunflower growing competition with FREE seeds available from the housing office reception, with a quick guide on how to get started and how to enter the competition. Simply get growing and send in regular photos on how your sunflower is progressing. Prizes to be won for the tallest entries. We hope as many people join in as possible, to add a sea of sunflower brightness across the neighbourhood.
Something else for 2025 is our new Who Inspires You campaign. We’d like customers to nominate someone who inspires them and why. It could be a neighbour, community group member, event or activity leader, or young person who goes that extra mile, the choice is yours. Nomination cards will be available shortly, or you can complete the form online. There will be no overall winners, everyone nominated will be a winner and will receive a certificate to keep. A presentation event will be held later in the year when all nominations have been received.
We have also launched Pets Corner featuring Dymo Leung’s beautiful family dogs on page ten! Why not send in a photo of your pet(s) and we’ll do our best to feature them in a future edition.
There’s all this along with all the regular money advice, home and fire safety updates, plus much more. Don’t forget rents are increasing from 7th April and if you are in receipt of Universal Credit, you must log in to your account to update your journal after the 7th April. Here’s a handy guide to help you or call into the office for a copy.
For more information on any aspect of the newsletter, or if you need any support with any money worries, please get in touch, we are here to help. Send a WhatsApp message to 07500 065 270, email, visit the S4B housing office, or give us a call on 0300 555 0128.