Fly-tipping is on the increase in Brunswick and we need to put a stop to it.

Bin collection day is Friday. Please make sure all waste items go INTO the relevant bin not left on the pavement or at the side. That is classed as fly-tipping. Fly-tipping outside your property or block is a serious and illegal health hazard. 

Bulky Waste Collections
All residents are entitled to one free collection of up to three large items per year from Manchester City Council (April 1 – 31 March). To arrange a collection please visit the Manchester City Council website or telephone 0161 234 5000

If you’ve had more than three free collections from Manchester City Council and you need to dispose of more items, S4B also offer a bulky waste collection service. For £75, additional bulky items will be collected from your home and disposed of for you.

Only use a Registered Removal Company
Some companies may appear legitimate but they may take your money to remove waste or larger items then dump it illegally. If the items are traced back to you, you could be contacted and fined, not the company carrying out the illegal act. 

Clean up after your Dog
With more people now owning dogs than ever, dog mess is on the rise. If you have a dog or look after someone else’s, please make sure you clean up after them. This includes mess in your garden or yard! It’s not only unsightly and smelly it can also be dangerous to health. Anyone who fails to clear up after their dog, or one in their care, can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice.

It has also been highlighted that any bin will do for your pet’s mess. While some Councils do provide dedicated dog-fouling bins, any public bin can take the waste. There is no excuse to leave it! More information on the Manchester City Council website here. 

Bin your Cigarette Butts
Dropped cigarette butts are the most common form of littering with many smokers not even considering them to be litter. The #BinTheButt campaign aims to raise awareness amongst smokers and highlight the link between the cigarette butt they drop on the street or down the drain and the impact it has on the marine environment.

Cigarette butts can take years to breakdown, worse still they never fully biodegrade and are toxic to marine environment. As well as plastic, cigarette filters are comprised of thousands of chemical ingredients, including arsenic, lead and nicotine.   

If you smoke, make sure that you stub your cigarette out and put it in a bin. If you are not near a bin, then please keep it with you until you can bin it – you can use a container or a butt box. Example here. 

Fly-tipping – How you can help.
This leaflet explains what you can do to help if you see anyone illegally dumping rubbish or ‘fly-tipping’. The leaflet also details how you can help reduce waste in Brunswick by recycling more, and shows what to put in which colour bin.

Fly-tipping – How to report it:
Please report fly tipping* as soon as possible to us on 0300 555 0128 or Alternatively you can report it directly to Manchester City Council* Litter and fly-tipping | Manchester City Council. Anyone found fly-tipping will be asked to dispose of the item themselves or face a hefty fine as part of the actions taken by Manchester City Council.

Please help to keep Brunswick tidy and don’t forget, if you see See It, Report It…so we can Stop It.
Don’t litter in Brunswick, don’t leave mess next to your bins. Recycle right and put items in the correct bins. And if you see this sticker on any of your discarded items, please remove the items and dispose of them correctly or risk a fine.  

For more information, advice or to report an issue, please send a WhatsApp message to 07500 065 270, email give us a call 0300 555 0128 or call into the S4B housing office.

#ProudofBrunswick *Any information supplied will be treated in strictest confidence in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.