Brunswick Workclub Plus is the service available to all local residents looking to find work, training and apprenticeship opportunities, or, looking for a change of career and need a helping hand to point them in the right direction.

It’s all available at sessions held every Wednesday at Brunswick Church, between 9:30am and 12:00noon.

Zoe Dwyer, 26, has now secured a permanent position with help from the Workclub and said: “I was made redundant three years ago and since then I’d been in and out of temporary short-term employment.

“I was so keen to find something more stable, so I came along to the Brunswick Workclub to see if they could help, and they really have, they have been so helpful and supportive.

“They helped me build my confidence, and even set up mock interviews for me to practice and gain experience.

“My confidence just grew from strength-to-strength, and then the day came… the letter telling me I’d got the job!

“I was over the moon, and it made all the perseverance so worthwhile. I would recommend the Workclub to anyone who is looking for a job.

“And its not only help me find a job I love, I also now volunteer for the Credit Union and the Brunswick Night Shelter to help the homeless.

“I can’t thank Yvonne and the Workclub enough for how they have helped me”.

Employability Tutor, Yvonne Brookes said: “Despite Zoe’s already excellent ICT and communication skills, and a wealth of experience in admin, she lacked confidence.

“By attending the Workclub at Brunswick on a regular basis, I noticed a real increase in her confidence and ability.

“And when Zoe told us the news she had got the job, we were thrilled. All of the hard work she has put in has paid off and we couldn’t be happier for her”.

Brunswick Workclub Plus can help and support you too.

You can get help to:

  • Write a great cover letter
  • Create  or update your CV
  • Prepare for an interview and help you develop interview techniques and skills
  • Register with online job applications

You tell them what you would like to achieve, and they’ll see what they can do to help.

They work closely with S4B colleagues, suppliers, contractors and local businesses, to unearth the latest job, training, apprenticeship or volunteering opportunities.

This gives you a greater choice when it comes to finding a career, so you can find a route that works for you.

For more information please get in touch – 0300 555 0128 or email

Or, just pop along to any Wednesday session and speak to Yvonne – she’ll be happy to help.

Working in partnership to support the people of Brunswick.
