Here is information about what is happening in Brunswick this Christmas, and what is on hold until the New Year.

Elizabeth Yarwood Court

S4B scheme manager Donna Shaw, will once again be opening the doors of Elizabeth Yarwood Court for people living in Brunswick to come along and keep warm during the winter months.

Donna said: “The communal lounge is kept warm and cozy throughout the winter. It is a large area with plenty of chairs, so it makes sense to invite people in and make the best use of it.

“And with rising home energy costs, people are finding it very difficult to heat their home and eat a warm meal, so if anyone is in this situation, they are more than welcome to come in and join us”.

The communal lounge is open every weekday between 8am and 6pm. There are free hot drinks on offer and light snacks available for a small charge.

During the Christmas period the lounge will not be available on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th December and Monday 2nd January.

Other activities at Elizabeth Yarwood Court include: 

Activity Details Day Time Cost
Beauty Bee Salon Abbey is on hand at the salon offering a range of hair and beauty treatments. 1st Friday of each month from 6th Jan  by appointment  See pricelist
Fish and Chip lunch Donna will be serving up fish and chips cooked in traditional style for you to come along and enjoy. Tuesday 3rd Jan 2:00-5:00pm Small Charge
Big breakfast, small breakfast


Every Thursday morning everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy a cooked breakfast, for just a small charge. Weekdays 9:30-10:30am Small charge
Tea and cake Every Thursday afternoon, Hope is the Key and S4B host a tea and cake afternoon. Just come along and join in the fun. Every Thursday from 5th Jan 1:00-3:00pm Donations welcome
Computer classes Every Thursday afternoon and every Friday morning. Free Wi-Fi and access to computers to get you started and get online. Thursday’s from 5th Jan

Friday’s from 6th Jan




The following activities will not be available over the Christmas period,
and will reconvene in the New Year as follows

Winter sports for kids is up and running again on Saturday 7th January at 1:30-3:30pm. Meet at Gartside Gardens Park.

South Manchester Credit Union is back at Brunswick Church on Tuesday 10th January between 10:00am and 12:00noon.

Well-being Cafe re-opens in Brunswick Church on Tuesday 10th and Thursday 12th January 11:30-2:00pm.

Brunswick Workclub Plus starts up again in Brunswick Church on Wednesday 11th January between 9:30am and 12:00noon.

For more information on any of the above, please tel 0300 555 0128 or email