S4B remains committed to improving open spaces as part of Brunswick’s regeneration.

This includes a new park at Gartside Gardens, new allotments, a new orchard and green boulevard. There is also two new play areas, in Gartside Gardens and on Glenbarry Close.

We will need to remove 471 trees in order to carry out the regeneration improvements across the area, but replacing them with 721 trees. This means we will have 250 more trees across the area overall.

We understand that some residents are concerned about how the regeneration plans affect the number of trees and how the open spaces across the neighbourhood will change.

Some tree felling will need to take place this autumn and then at various stages throughout the winter outside of the bird nesting and growing season.

We will only fell trees that are absolutely necessary and in line with the timing of our new build and infrastructure programme  As the programme moves forward we will plant more trees as we complete new roads and homes.

During 2017 we will be planting over 150 new trees.  We also plan to develop the new allotments and orchard before the end of 2017.

The children’s park on Deanwater Close is being removed now that two new state of the art play areas have been created in Gartside Gardens and Glenbarry Close.

This play area will close on 21st November 2016 and it will be securely fenced off as this area will become part of a demolition site until it is redeveloped.

Both of the new play areas at Gartside Gardens and Glenbarry Close are open for use.

And every Saturday, from 1.30 to 3.30pm, there will be FREE Multi- sports activities for the under 16’s in Gartside Gardens at the Multi Use Games area, running from November 2016 to Easter 2017.

A group involving residents is also meeting to agree a green space strategy for the neighbourhood and wider Ardwick area, to ensure links to other green spaces, such as Ardwick Green park, the green space between Brunswick and Grove Village, and the proposed open space to be created by the university at the top end of Brunswick Street.  If you are interested in joining this local group please get in touch.

The S4B team will continue to meet with anybody who would like to discuss their concerns – and we will continue to keep residents informed.

For more information, please contact us on: 0300 555 0128 or email info@s4bmanchester.co.uk