It is necessary for us to carry out a review of the refurbishment works, which has resulted in a delay to the refurbishment programme, affecting a number of households.

Those affected have been sent this letter to explain what has happened, how they are affected, and what happens next. The works will still go ahead, just later than originally planned.

If you are due to have work carried out on your property as part of the refurbishment programme, we would like to arrange a convenient time for a member of our S4B Customer Care Team to visit you to discuss this.

Please call us to book an appointment on 0300 555 0128 or email We will also be carrying out some door knocking in the area and hope to meet with you in person.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience the delays may cause. We are working hard to get everything back on track as quickly as possible.

Please continue to contact the S4B Housing Office for any queries you may have about your tenancy or repairs – telephone: 0300 555 0128 or email: