As part of Brunswick clean up week, (26-30 September) this year, S4B held a tidy garden competition, with all gardens in Brunswick included with prizes to be won for residents with the tidiest.

Judging took place on Friday 30 September and the winners in each of the three categories are:

New-build houses     – Ms McLoughlin, Oregon Close
Maisonettes               –  Mr Phiri and Ms Rameki, Litcham Close
Houses                      –  Ms Grant, Kincardine Road

They each win a £25 giftcard

Also, during the week, a series of clean-up and replanting events took place, when residents and community groups, joined forces with staff from S4B, to get involved and help look after the Brunswick  neighbourhood.

On Monday (26th September), everyone teamed up to tidy the planters outside the shops and church on Brunswick Street. They weeded and cut back the plants, planted bulbs and fresh bedding plants.  It poured with rain but everyone got stuck in with great results.

And on Wednesday, everyone met for a clean-up session at Gartside Gartside. Fuchsia and lavender plants were planted at the new entrance to the park, and two big bags of rubbish was collected.

Thursday was skip day, when skips were available to use for free at Bramwell Drive, Rudcroft Close, Hursthead Walk and Elizabeth Yarwood Court. Residents were welcomed to dispose of their unwanted rubbish or household items and an extra skip was made available on Saturday at Elizabeth Yarwood Court, for any residents who were not able to use the skips on Thursday.

A huge thank you to everyone who got involved to help keep Brunswick neighbourhood tidy, and look after the place where they live.


Keep an eye out on the S4B Facebook page for details of any future clean-up events or for more information email