Over £1m investment is being made to the Brunswick neighbourhood which will include improvements to the overall quality of Gartside Gardens Park and surrounding green spaces.

The new park will be better designed with new paths, play equipment for children, a new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) already installed and new trees.

Plans also include a new orchard, 25 city allotments and a green boulevard. There will also be a two new play areas in the area– one in Gartside Gardens and another located off Glenbarry Close.

There is currently 21,715 sq m of green space in Gartside Gardens. Following the regeneration, the improved higher quality green open space in the area including Gartside Gardens, the new orchard and allotments will total 20,861 sq m – a reduction of just 854 sq. m. (which is 4% of the whole area and a similar size as the new Games Area)

In order to make these improvements, S4B will need to remove 471 trees but these will be replaced with 721 trees – a total of 250 more. These will be made up of Deciduous Street and Park trees, Evergreen Park trees and Garden trees.

S4B has also secured an additional 250 fruit trees from Red Rose Forest as part of the Big Tree Plant – these will be planted during January. Residents can get involved in the Big Tree Plant by calling S4B on 0300 555 0128.

Some of the bat boxes in Gartside Gardens will also need to be removed temporarily for when the regeneration begins but we are working with residents and our ecologist to make sure that they are relocated in the most appropriate locations throughout the neighbourhood so that there is no risk to the local bats.

We will be consulting with groups and residents in relation to all of the improvements and proposed works in Gartside Gardens between now and January and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.

To set up a meeting please call us on 0300 555 0128