Cash for Communities offers £500 – £2000 to support local groups.

The project must benefit S4B tenants or communities and must link with the following themes:

Employment, Enterprise and Training    

– Starting up a work club

– Helping people set up local businesses

– Support projects to help people into work

Community Health and Wellbeing  

– Offering information and support to be healthy

– Projects which create stronger communities and partnerships

– Developing new and existing spaces in the community

– Supporting older people- e.g. keeping warm in winter

Youth Engagement Activities     

– Opportunities to help young people into work

– Awareness raising of local issues (e.g. gangs/ drugs etc.)

– Volunteering opportunities for young people

 Financial and Digital Inclusion     

– Support and knowledge to tenants on how to save money

– Energy saving projects- how to reduce bills

– Basic computer courses

The funding, deadline is 31st October 2014.

Criteria To apply for funding you must be a constituted group with access to a bank account. Relevant policies must be provided (e.g. health & safety, child protection) and the project must be completed by the end of this financial year (March 2015).

Please note: We don’t support core running costs, school applications for core curriculum activities, community day trips or sport team sponsorship.

In addition to funding, the Community Investment Team will provide 7 hours support to each project to help with set up/ evaluation/ funding support or however they need help.

Apply now! 

Download S4B Funding Application form and please email completed form to