Fire safety in the home

Fire safety in your home

Most people know the basics of fire safety at home, such as not leaving cooking appliances unattended. However, here are a few more things you can do around the home to prevent a fire.

In the kitchen
  • Don’t leave pans unattended
  • Take care if wearing loose clothing
  • Keep the oven, hob and cooker clean and free from grease
  • Once you have finished, check that appliances are turned off
  • Avoid leaving children alone in the kitchen
  • Don’t cook if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Remember to close your kitchen door at night when you go to bed or if you are leaving your home
  • Make sure electrical appliances are kept in good working order and do not use them if there are any signs of damage or loose wiring
  • Unplug appliances before going to bed or when you are not using them
  • When changing a fuse, make sure you use the right one to prevent overheating
  • Don’t overload sockets, avoid the use of electrical extension leads where possible and always make sure that they are to the correct British Standard
  • Keep portable heaters clear from flammable materials – don’t dry clothes over them
  • Turn off electrical appliances before bed
  • Never smoke in bed
  • Make sure cigarettes and other smoking materials are fully out before disposing of them
  • Always use an ashtray and put it on a non-flammable surface at night
  • Don’t leave lit cigarettes unattended
  • Keep matches and lighters out of the reach of children
  • Where possible cigarette lighters should be filled outside

You can read further advise about fire safety in the home here