Contact us

WhatsAapp: send us a message
Facebook Messenger: get in touch

Call: 0300 555 0128 (24-hours)

Write to us/visit:
S4B housing office,
15 Brunswick Street,
Manchester. M13 9SU

Office opening hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday.

Situated: On the corner of Stockport Road and Brunswick Street, opposite the O2 Apollo Manchester.

Directions: Via this link

Non-resident/visitor parking: On street parking in designated areas across Brunswick and available in close walking distance to the S4B housing office. Free for up to three hours. No return with an hour. Full details of the parking scheme on the Manchester City Council website here.

Tweet us @S4Bmanchester

Find out about apprenticeships and job opportunities:

To make a comment, compliment or complaint, please get in touch. Here is our complaints and compliments policy.