Survey deadline: Friday, 15th December.

On 1st April 2023, it became a legal requirement from the Regulator of Social Housing, for all Registered Providers to collect and maintain information known as the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) in connection with their tenants.

This new style version replaces the previous survey that was issued in January each year. The results from this survey will be used to calculate the annual TSM and the overall outcome will be published by us and the data collected will be sent to the Regulator who will publish the results on their website. 

Your views are really important to us and will help us better understand what you think about your home, the neighbourhood you live in and the services that we provide. It will also help us better understand our performance, what we are doing well in addition to the areas we can do better. 

All tenant households will receive a paper copy, so look out for it landing on your doormat. It is also available to complete online. You can fill it in anonymously however, where any personal information is received, this will be kept strictly confidential. The survey should take you approximately 10 minutes to complete.

How to complete the questionnaire:

  • Only one survey to be completed for each household/property.
  • This can be completed by either the tenant, their partner/spouse or on behalf of the tenant by a carer, another household member or through an interpreter (if appropriate).
  • There can only be a maximum of one response per question. For all questions that apply, tick one box only .
  • Please read the instructions for answering each question carefully.
  • Please answer any questions that apply to you.

Please return your completed questionnaire by posting it in the pre-paid envelope provided by no later than 15th December 2023 or you can complete the survey online via this link 

If you have any difficulties in completing the survey, or if you have any queries, please call us on 0300 555 0128 or e-mail

All entries received, will be automatically entered into a prize draw with the chance to win one of three prizes in shopping vouchers (t’s and c’s). Anonymous entries will be omitted from the draw.