A new community housing scheme near to Ardwick is to welcome its first residents next month after two years in development.
The Extra Care housing scheme in Brunswick Village will provide high-quality housing and care options for older people via a tailored community area managed by Northwards Housing.
The 60 one and two-bedroom homes – of which 70 pc are already occupied – will feature an audio-visual intercom, a fully fitted kitchen, level access shower, lift access and a safety cord in case of emergencies.
A care team will be based on-site, as will services provided by Age UK Manchester including a bistro restaurant, shop, day centre, Ageing Well clubs and an counselling and advice service.
Residents will also have access to laundry services, a hair salon, resident lounges, mobility scooter storage space and family areas.
The social rent homes form part of a 25-year £106 m project by the Brunswick PFI (S4B Ltd) consortium, made up of Onward Homes, Mears, Vistry Partnerships and Equitix, to transform the Brunswick area.
David Machin, 65, will be one of the first residents to move into the new development having moved to Brunswick three years ago in order to live closer to his mother.
“My family moved to Brunswick in 1967 and my dad was a caretaker on the estate for over 40 years working for Manchester council,” David said.

“I’m so looking forward to moving to Brunswick Village which means me and my mum, who is now 86, can stay here living in the area, close to each other and all our friends.
“It’s a fabulous opportunity – we can’t wait to start making new friends, safe and happy in our new forever homes.”
The village will also feature a roof-top garden, a balcony sitting area, and a ground level garden, alongside a space that will be available for use by the wider community.
Cllr Suzanne Richards, Manchester City Council’s executive member for housing and regeneration, said the accommodation would provide additional care and support for those who need it while ‘maintaining’ a community of people who want to stay in their local area as they get older.

“Ensuring that we have the right homes to meet people’s needs as they age is an important part of our housing plans for the city,” Cllr Richards said.
“The transformation of Brunswick for local people has been a real success story and this new facility for local residents is another important piece of the regeneration.
“Having had a chance to visit the scheme before it opened, I can honestly say it has one of the most sought after sun terraces in the city with amazing panoramic views right across the city centre.
“I can’t wait to hear what residents think as they move into their new homes.”

The Brunswick PFI project supports Manchester City Council’ s commitment to delivering at least 6,400 affordable homes for Manchester residents between 2015 and 2025.
Since 2014, the £106 m project has included refurbishment works to more than 650 council homes, building 300 homes for sale and building 200 council homes in Brunswick.
The project has also seen green spaces and recreational areas revamped with landscaping, greenery and new play areas and sports pitches.
Cllr Bev Craig, Manchester City Council’s executive member for adult health and well-being, added: “This type of supported housing creates a genuine community of people, combating loneliness and providing support on-site should people need it.
“Brunswick is the second of five new extra care schemes planned, meaning we will have developed more than 730 homes in the city up to September this year.”