S4B has pledged to Make a Stand and is committed to offering help and support to any customers who may be a victim of domestic abuse.

The campaign was launched in June 2018 as part of Alison Inman’s presidential appeal to tackle domestic abuse.

Millions of people experience domestic abuse every year and two women are killed by their partner or ex-partner every week.

The pledge gives housing organisations the opportunity to sign up to make four commitments to provide support for customers.

Our commitments are:

  • To put in place and embed a policy to support residents who are experiencing domestic abuse
  • To make information about national and local domestic abuse support services available on our website and in other places which are easily accessible to residents and staff
  • To put in place a HR policy and procedure on domestic abuse, or to incorporate this into an existing policy, to support members of staff who are experiencing domestic abuse
  • Appoint a champion in our organisation to own the activity we are doing to support people experiencing domestic abuse.

If you, or anyone you know is suffering from domestic abuse, please let us know straight away (in the strictest of confidence) so we can help and support you. Please don’t suffer in silence.

T: 0300 555 0128 E: info@s4bmanchester.co.uk or call into the S4B housing office where you can speak to our dedicated Support and Rehousing Officer (confidentially and in private).