Notice of Section 73 Planning Amendment
On 27th November, S4B issued a letter to tell residents they will soon receive correspondence from Manchester City Council about planning changes to the original masterplan for the Brunswick area, which were approved in May 2013.

We are not proposing any major re-design for the area, and are only making changes where they deliver improvements or where they are absolutely necessary to meet safety or design requirements.

Where can I see the plans?

Since Monday 4 December 2017, the plans have been on display in the S4B housing office, along with a schedule of the changes.

The plans will be available up until planning committee meeting in March 2018.

The office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and staff will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

What are the changes?

  1. Removal of some new build phases for sale
  2. Changes to driveways and parking
  3. Changes to boundary treatments
  4. Changes to roads
  5. Re positioning new-build homes

A full list of the changes are detailed in your resident letter, on the S4B website, and also available to view in the office.

What are the timescales for agreeing these changes?

Residents received a formal notice on Thursday 30 November 2017 and a notice was published in the Manchester Evening News. On 1 December 2017 the plans were submitted to Planning Committee for a decision to be made on 8 March 2018.

We will continue with our programme of works and will keep residents updated and informed as things progress.

If you are unable to come along to the office but do have any questions, please get in touch.

T: 0300 555 0128, E: or visit the S4B website