Next week (26th – 29th September) is Autumn community involvement week in Brunswick.

Once again, there will be a series of activities and events for the Brunswick community to come along, get involved and help look after the neighbourhood.

Monday 25th – Road Safety Awareness
S4B Community Wardens and local PCSO’s will be on hand to offer help and advice on keeping you safe on the road around Medlock Primary School.

They will be outside Medlock Primary School from 9:00am to hand out information to parents, visitors and passers-by, along with updates on the school opening times.

There will also be a series of activities during Road Safety Awareness week in November (20-26th).

Tuesday 26th – Keeping Brunswick Tidy
Staff from S4B and Manchester City Council will be door knocking in Brunswick, to provide information and advice on recycling and how to keep the Brunswick neighbourhood clean, tidy and rubbish free.

They will also be able to listen to your concerns and will be distributing free bin liners and waste bags.

Wednesday 27th – Planting Tidy-Up
Why not join the S4B team on Wednesday in tidy-up planters in communal areas such as Brunswick Street and Gartside Gardens park.

Meet at 10:00am at the S4B housing office to team up and pick your area to tidy. Gardening essentials will be provided.

Thursday 28th – Skip-Day
Skip-day is back, so why not take the opportunity to have that clear out and get rid of any unwanted items.

Give your home that spring-clean feel in preparation for the colder season approaching.

Skips will be located at Mancroft Close, Rudroft Close and side of Tower Square from 10.00am – 3.00pm.

Friday 29th – Community Litter Pick
Be proud of where you live and join the team at Gartside Gardens for a community litter pick and clean-up.

Come along to Gartside Gardens park between 11.00am – 1.00pm.

All welcome and litter pick equipment will be provided.

Interested in getting even more involved where you live?
Then why not join our next Estate Walkabout on Thursday 5th October at 10:00am.

Meet outside Brunswick Church, Brunswick St (wear comfortable shoes).

For further information on any of the above activities, please contact Sharon Thomas, Community Development Officer on 0300 555 0128 or email