Today, Friday 12th May, S4B have taken the leap to become one of millions of other users who are linking up with their customers on Instagram.

By signing up to the social network, we will be able to provide more up to date information and interact with you with a fresh, new, fun approach.

And we’d love our customers to get involved too. Post your pics to tell us all about your events and activities not forgetting to tag us using our hashtags, #S4B, #Brunswick #ProudofBrunswick along with lots of your own.

On our Instagram page you can:

✔ Find out the latest news in and around Brunswick
✔ Keep up-to-date on the Brunswick regeneration programme
✔ See details of local events
✔ Learn about key dates in the calendar
✔ Share information with your friends and family and invite them to follow our page
✔ Inform us (privately) of any issues in the neighbourhood

Now the boring bit…a few groundrules but all you really need to remember is don’t publish anything offensive and no naughty words. Let’s just keep it fun and friendly. We also ask that you respect Instagram’s terms and conditons.

To visit our page log onto Instagram and search for S4B Manchester, and follow us to be part of the Brunswick story.

If you’re not yet on Instragram and want to join, visit the Instagram help page to find out how.

For more information please give us a call – 0300 555 0128 or email