S4B have recently issued a leaflet, to all residents to advise them of the current situation on the transformation of the park.

There will be new playgrounds for children under 8-years old and also older children, all with the following new features – entrance area, lighting in the park, paths, trees and plants.

A big investment is being made to improve the overall quality of Gartside Gardens, to provide a high quality park for local people. We apologise for any disruption you may experience, but the works are essential to make the improvements for all local residents, so please bear with us during this time. 

This document July 2015 improvements update details the current situation on the works being carried out in the park..  

You can get involved with Friends of Gartside Gardens and Green Spaces, a local group of residents who plan and deliver the very successful Gartside Gardens fun day each year, and plan projects to enhance the green space across Brunswick.  

Email – fogggs@outlook.com

Please come along to Gartside Gardens Fun day on Saturday 15th August between 12:00 – 4:00pm. This year, as the park is closed for improvements, the fun-day will in street festival style, taking place on Kincardine Road.

If you have question about the improvements, please call 0300 555 0128 or take a look at the plans on our website www.S4Bmanchester.co.uk