As one of the S4B partners Mears are responsible for the refurbishment of 655 of the Brunswick Estate properties. The refurbishment will involve installing new kitchens, bathrooms, front doors and external landscaping. Every resident can play an active part in the refurbishment as they can discuss their individual requirements and preferences with Mears.

A Show Home was opened in April where residents look at the different styles, materials and colours on offer. Residents can discuss what would work best for them and have plans drawn up to show them how their kitchen and/or bathroom can be redesigned to make the best use of the space. Residents are invited to the Show Home every Thursday afternoon between 2 and 4.30pm but please book by calling 0300 5550 128

Starting with the Lockton Court over 30 homes have already been refurbished and the upgrades have been well received.

Mr Blake, 83, who has lived Lockton Court for over 20 years said: “This is the first new kitchen and bathroom I’ve had since moving in – (it’s) wonderful, I like it, they are much easier to keep clean. Before I got the new bathroom I didn’t have a shower and I used to go to my daughters to use hers. Now I have a lovely new shower of my own.”

Sadia from Litcham Close was one of the first residents to go through the refurbishment.

“I was really pleased with the work on the kitchen, they were in and out in two weeks and completely redesigned it for me. It’s much bigger, makes better use of the space and I now have storage which I didn’t have before.

The bathroom has been more difficult, as my husband has back problems we needed a special bathroom with a walk in shower so we went for a wet room. This took much longer. However I’m pleased with the result, it’s practical and easy to keep clean which is important when you have three children.”

Mrs Furber, said: “My kitchen is wonderful and we are deciding what we would like for the bathroom, I think we will go for a wet room as it will be easier for us.

Mears redesigned my kitchen to make better use of the space and I was fully involved in choosing the different materials and colours. I have more storage and plug sockets -before the refurbishment I only had a couple of sockets and had to use extension cords. My 6 month old kitten Milly loves the new flooring in the kitchen, she thinks it was done just for her!

They did a fantastic job and we are looking forward to our new bathroom, the refurbishment has made such a difference to our lives.”

To find out more about the refurbishments and the different materials and colours drop into the Show Home and chat to one of the friendly Mears team.