There will be 710 trees planted inside the Regeneration area boundary as part of the improvement programme by S4B.

S4B contractors are also on site selecting identified tree removal to accommodate Phase 1 developments.

Work will start on the old school site off Kirkstall Square from mid – February 2014 as this site currently blights the area. This work includes tree and self-seeded tree removal from this site to accommodate development works. Selected tree removal to accommodate Phase 1 developments continues to Mid-March on Phase 1 developments and on new roads routes.

It is currently proposed to remove 469 trees inside the PFI boundary over the next 5 years to accommodate development works.

A full tree audit has now been undertaken by Manchester City Council and this was completed at the end of January 2014. Information has been collected for the whole PFI boundary on:

  • Species of tree
  • Height
  • Health condition
  • Structural condition
  • Future management recommendations
  • Estimated remaining years
  • Do the Trees meet BS5837 Grade? (This is the British Standard)

Some tree stock will be removed (by Manchester City Council) that is no longer fit for purpose/was never fit for purpose (i.e. trees to large, impeding overhead cables , tree root damage to paved areas ,blocking out light to houses)

Proposed new trees to be planted will be fit for purpose and will enhance the project life span and contribute to Manchester City Council Green Agenda

Manchester City Council Works commenced on site 7th February 2014 as part of the Brunswick PFI Trees Works. The works will be complete by 4th April 2014

Work will include formative pruning and the removal of dead, deceased or trees with low life expectancy going forward (i.e. 5-15 years).

If you would like to find out more, please contact us 0300 555 0128