Antisocial behaviour

You can report Neighbourhood nuisance or anti-social behaviour to us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on 0300 555 0128
We work with local communities and agencies to help tackle and prevent issues related to nuisance and anti-social behaviour.
S4B treats all reports of these incidents seriously.
This includes:
- damage to your home
- fly tipping
- groups causing annoyance
- threats of violence
- physical attacks
This list is not exhaustive. As stated in your tenancy agreement, you are responsible for the behaviour of those living at or visiting the property (including children and animals).
Your tenancy agreement can be enforced through court action. Here is our anti-social behaviour policy and our anti-social behaviour statement.
Please contact us to report any problems so that we can help you. Your enquiry will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.
Any acts of violence or threats of violence must be reported to the police immediately.