Brunswick Tenants and Residents Association

What is the Brunswick Tenants and Residents Association?

The group is made up of local people who come together to address issues within their local area and act as a voice for their local community.

When do they meet?

They meet every first Wednesday of the month at 7pm at Brunswick Village Community Room, Brunswick Street, Manchester.

What do they discuss?

The Group meets to address one specific issue or address a wider spectrum of matters depending on the current local issues. The Brunswick Tenants and Residents Association represents the Brunswick area which is managed by S4B.

A report from each meeting can be found at the bottom of this page.

How is it structured?

The structure of the group includes a chair, secretary, treasurer and committee members. These positions are decided by way of nominations at the annual meeting.

Naz Begum (Chair)
Jephter Amadi (Vice-Chair)
Craig Eastham (Secretary)
Nick Weise (Treasurer)

Ordinary committee members are: Muriel Bell, Debbie Ellison, Dymo Leung, Thomas Milligan, Emma Jane Smith

Who can join?

Membership of the association is open to all local people living in the Brunswick area.

How can I find out more?

Please email to find out more information.

BTARA contact is