It was Hate Crime Awareness week (3-7 Feb) here in Greater Manchester and once again we supported the campaign. Hate crime can have a devastating effect on someone’s life and S4B would like to reassure customers that hate crime will not be tolerated. Hate crime of any kind is an offence and we would urge anyone who has been a victim of abuse to report it immediately.

The S4B housing office remains a 3rd Party reporting centre. If you, or anyone you know, is suffering any form of hate crime, it can be reported at the S4B housing office, 15 Brunswick Street, M13 9SU in private and in total confidence.

We all have a right to live without fear and intimidation from others because of who we are. Greater Manchester is a place where we all look out for each other and stand together. Everyone is free to be themselves and hate crime has no place here. 

Third party reporting centres offer anonymous advice and support and are not connected to the police. You can find more third party reporting centre locations here.

Hate crime is any crime targeted at a person because of hostility or prejudice towards their:

  • Disability
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexual orientation
  • Alternative subculture
  • Trans and gender reassignment

No hate crime is acceptable. We all have a right to live without fear, hostility and intimidation from others because of who we are. We all have a responsibility to stand against hatred and discrimination. 

Customers found to be involved in committing a hate crime will also be at risk of losing their tenancy. If you have been the victim of, or witnessed a hate crime, you can report it and get support here 

If you would like to speak to a member of the S4B team, in the strictest of confidence, please call us on 0300 555 0128, send a WhatsApp message to 07500 065 270, email, or visit the S4B housing office, 15 Brunswick Street M13 9SU. 

No one should face hate, violence or abuse because of who they are, who they love, where they’re from, what they look like or what they believe. If you’ve been a victim of hate, help and support is available. 

Other useful links: 
Stop Hate UK or telephone 0800 138 1625
The Sophie Lancaster Foundation
Making Manchester Safer


Whatever you’ve been through, you are not alone.
Hate crime has no place here.