Now the 2024 monthly customer photography competition is complete, we are proud to launch our calendar for 2025. Download your copy here. All of the images are the winning entries from the 2024 monthly customer photography competition, introduced as part of the Celebrating Brunswick campaign marking the major ten-year milestone of the 25-year PFI regeneration programme of the Brunswick neighbourhood.
The winners are:
January: Ms Asma February: Mr Shaw
March: Mr Burrows and Ms Asma April: Ms Leung
May: Ms Asma June: Ms Pennance and Ms Leigh
July: Mr Reed August: Mrs Qian
September: Mr Bolton October: Mr Shaw
November: Mr Bolton December: Mr Bolton
Well done everyone! And a very special well done to our youngest entry, Amelia aged 6 with her beautiful Bee photo which adorns the back cover!
Judging was carried out by a fair scoring system. Each of the photographs submitted were scored out of five by a judging panel, with the highest score being the winner each month:
- Tenant/resident
- Resident’s Association (BTARA) Committee Member
- S4B staff member
Thank you to everyone who took part in the competition and the judging. Here’s the link to all of the entries for 2024 which are proudly displayed on the S4B housing office reception TV.
If you would like to request a hard copy of the calendar, please get in touch. All we ask in return is that, if you are able, please donate a non-perishable or personal item to the S4B foodbank, all for the the benefit of the local community as supplies are quicky diminishing. Or pop a small donation in the box for the team to purchase goods for the foodbank e.g. 50p or a £1.
Send a WhatsApp message to 07500 065 270, email, visit the S4B housing office, or give us a call on 0300 555 0128.
Best wishes to everyone for a prosperous 2025.
From the S4B team.