S4B is working in partnership with the Trussell Trust Manchester Central Foodbank and is now a collection point for Foodbank donations.

If you can spare an item or two, please bring them in to us and we will pass them to the Foodbank.

S4B Financial Inclusion officer, Yvette Brown, said: “We are pleased to be able to offer this service and help the Foodbank by becoming a collection point. The Foodbank is a vital lifeline for a lot of people and they are in constant need of donations, so if you can spare anything at all please drop it in to the S4B housing office.

And if you are struggling to make ends meet and need a helping hand, please get in touch or call into the into the office so I can make a referral for you to go to the Foodbank to collect an emergency food pack”.

The Foodbank are currently in need of items such as, halal tinned meat, tinned fish, long life juice and peanut butter. 

Other food items include, cereal, soup, pasta, rice, tinned tomatoes/pasta sauce, lentils, beans and pulses, tinned meat, vegetables and fruit, tea/coffee, biscuits and UHT milk. 

They are also in need of non-food items such as toiletries, household/laundry items, feminine products and baby supplies.

For more information please get in touch. T: 0300 555 0128, E: info@s4bmanchester.co.uk or call into the S4B housing office – 15 Brunswick Street, M13 9SU.