Calling all kids in Brunswick.

Come on down to Elizabeth Yarwood Court (101 Kincardine Road)  TODAY, for some spooky Halloween fun.

And why not get dressed up in fancy dress up and get into the true ‘spirit’ of things… woooo….hoooooo!

There will be fun and games with spooky cartoons, and plenty of refreshments such as pumpkin soup, drinks, cakes and sweets.

Just come along and join in the fun.

For more information tel: 0300 555 0128.

Here are some Halloween facts which you may or may not know about Halloween

And some games ides for kids and not forgetting games for grown ups!

Most of all, whatever you are dong this Halloween, keep it safe and fun.

Here are some tips to help keep you, and the people around you, SAFE!

  1. Trick or treating safety tips
  2. Halloween safety tips