On Wednesday 25th November, as part of this years’ Age UK Warm Homes Campaign, staff from S4B visited people aged 65 and over, to make sure they are managing to stay warm and healthy this winter, and to offer any help if needed. 

It was reassuring to find that over 70% of our residents are comfortable and warm, and do not need any extra help from us at this time, but we are always here should the situation ever change. 

The remaining people were given a support pack and practical advice supplied by Age UK and the Contour Homes Health and Well-being team. We will continue to keep checking in on them to ensure they are doing ok, especially if the weather takes a dramatic decline. 

Are you, or someone you know, aged 65 or over and would like a bit of help to stay warm  this winter? If so please get in touch – we are here to help. 

And during the colder months, scheme manager Donna Shaw has opened the doors of Elizabeth Yarwood Court (101 Kincardine Road M13 9SY) for you to come along and keep warm.

So why not pop in any day during the week, Monday to Friday, from 8.30am-6:00pm where you will find a warm comfortable communal lounge to spend a few hours, or even the whole day.  There will be free hot drinks and food available (small charge) and you will be able to make use of the free Wi-Fi available at the scheme.

It’s a great chance to get together with people, get warm and make new friends. This provision will continue until the weather starts to get warmer next year. 

And if you, or know someone who is, struggling to heat your home and/or pay your energy bills, our Financial Inclusion Officer, Yvette Brown, is here to help you.  

You can speak to Yvette by:

– calling in to see Yvette at her weekly drop-in sessions at the S4B office every Tuesday between 10am- 12noon 
– making an appointment to meet Yvette at the office on another day
– making an appointment for Yvette to visit you in your home

Yvette can help and support you in a number of ways, such as:

– budgeting and offer money saving tips
– help you check you are on the most suitable energy tariffs
– free up money you help you to afford to heat your home
– offer you advice on how to be more fuel efficient
– help you apply to see if you are eligible for energy grants and help you liaise with your energy provider(s) to discuss arrears repayments at an amount you can afford

Please do get in touch if you are struggling to make ends meet.

Call Yvette on 0300 555 0128 to make an appointment, or email info@s4bmanchester.co.uk