S4B Manchester has been helping residents take their first steps online thanks to events being held for national Get Online Week (12 – 18th Oct).

From staying healthy and finding work, to saving money and having fun, we are offering help to those who want to go digital.

Free beginners computer classes are available at Elizabeth Yarwood Court. Thursday’s 1:00–3:00 pm and Friday’s 10:00am –12:00 noon. 

Courses last for eight weeks. No age limit. Experienced friendly tutor. Tel 0300 555 0128 to register.

And don’t forget, FREE Wi-Fi is available for all visitors to the S4B office so why not pop in and take advantage of this great facility and there are also laptops available for residents to use free of charge – you could report a repair online, pay a bill, check your bank account, look for events and activities or even treat yourself with a bit of online shopping.

If you need help just ask one of the team. 

For further information about getting online, please contact us on 0300 555 0128 or email info@S4Bmanchester.co.uk

Make life easier by getting online www.getonlineweek.com