Work is due to start in October to build eleven much-needed council homes.  

We understand that some residents are concerned about plans to redevelop land next to Grosvenor Street/Lockton Close and was known locally as the Rocket Park in Brunswick.

This land was identified for redevelopment in the very early stages of the Brunswick regeneration project that will see around £111million spent on completely transforming the neighbourhood.

There was extensive consultation as the Brunswick regeneration plans were drawn up, including a number of public open days.

Further consultation with residents took place before planning permission for the site was granted back in May 2013.

Eleven much-needed new homes for council tenants will be built on the land, replacing housing that will be demolished elsewhere in Brunswick. We have already allocated these new homes to residents, and building work is due to begin in October.

The site is not a formal park and has not been maintained for many years now.

S4B remains committed to improving open spaces as part of Brunswick’s regeneration. This includes a new-high quality Gartside Gardens, allotments, orchard and green boulevard. There will also be two new play areas, in Gartside Gardens and on Glenbarry Close.

S4B will need to remove some trees in order to carry out the regeneration improvements across the area. We will be cutting down 471 trees and will replacing these with 721 trees. This means we will have 250 more trees across the area, in public spaces and in private gardens of new build properties

A group involving residents is also meeting to agree a green space strategy for the neighbourhood and wider Ardwick area to ensure links to other green spaces, such as Ardwick Green park, the green space between Brunswick and Grove Village and the proposed open space to be created by the university at the top end of Brunswick street.

Residents living near Grosvenor Street and Lockton Close will be kept up to date ahead of work starting and information will also be posted on the S4B website.

If anybody has any questions or concerns about the redevelopment, please let us know.

The S4B team will continue to meet with anybody who would like to discuss their concerns – and we will continue to keep residents informed.

For more information, please contact us on 0333 555 0128 or email