Students got a taste of working life on one of Manchester’s most transformative developments for the construction industry’s annual Open Doors Weekend (6th – 7th March 2015).

The event was hosted by GallifordTry and Solutions for Brunswick (S4B) regeneration project in Ardwick, Manchester and supported by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB).

The £100m S4B development is part of the regeneration of the Brunswick area and will be an important part of the city’s landscape. With 650 homes being built close to the city centre and university district, it will make a huge difference to local people.

CITB and GallifordTry hosted the Open Doors event which aims to give students an insight into working life at the construction site. Open Doors Weekend is a nationwide initiative which gives members of the public the chance to learn about the construction industry. Visitors to the site were given a site tour, one to one Q&A sessions and presentations with information about which skills are in high demand, and how to acquire them through apprenticeships leading to jobs on this site and others throughout the industry.

Sharon Matthews, Construction Careers Advisor at CITB, said: “Events such as these provide a great opportunity to educate and inspire a new generation of construction apprentices. This is so important in the current climate given the skills shortages faced by the sector.”

And here you can read a copy of the thank you letter sent to GallifordTry and the Construction Industry Training Board following the event.

Thank You from Manchester Enterprise Academy

Hi Gino and Matilda,

Just wanted to drop you a line to thank you sincerely for today’s experience for the lads.  Only on these occasions do our students get a real taste of the real world with real people, which is alien to many unfortunately.  Although I would have liked a few more students along, the ones who attended conducted themselves impeccably, were very interested in the presentation, information, site visits and very keen to get in to the industry.  It really has stirred them up and by doing so they were discussing the visit with some students that should have gone today and others who now wished they had. 

Please thank, Alex, Henry, Charles and the other guys who made the visit an excellent and informative one for all concerned, myself included.     

 Once again thank you for today and also the continued support showed from GallifordTry, it is very much appreciated.


Tony Hampson

Sixth Form Strategy Leader. MEA

If you would like to know more about the initiative, but were unable to attend the event, you can take a look at the website or contact tel 01925 822 821.